Company Overview
Company Overview
Northern Educational Company, shortened as NEC, was established as a limited liability company under the founding contract approved by the authorized notary public at the Ministry of Commerce on 17/10/1439H (corresponding to 01/07/2018). The company was registered under commercial registration number 3450171682, issued in Arar on 18/10/1439H (corresponding to 02/07/2018). The initial capital of the company was 100,000 Saudi Arabian Riyals. On 21/07/1444H (corresponding to 12/02/2023), the partners decided to convert the company from a limited liability company to a closed joint-stock company under the partners' resolution number 203566, registered with the Ministry of Commerce under registration number 100037580, effective on 25/07/1444H (corresponding to 16/02/2023). The capital was increased to 15,000,000 Saudi Arabian Riyals, divided into 1,500,000 shares. In an extraordinary general assembly held on 22/09/1444H (corresponding to 13/04/2023), it was decided to further increase the company's capital from 15,000,000 Saudi Arabian Riyals to 50,000,000 Saudi Arabian Riyals. The capital is divided into 50,000,000 ordinary shares, fully paid.
وفي تاريخ 1444/07/21هـ (الموافق 2023/02/12م) قرر الشركاء تحويل الشركة من شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة إلى شركة مساهمة مقفلة بموجب قرار الشركاء رقم (203566) والمثبت لدى وزارة التجارة بالرقم (100037580) ، وتاريخ 1444/07/25هـ (الموافق 2023/02/16م) وبرأس مال يبلغ (15,000,000) خمسة عشر مليون ريال سعودي مقسم إلى (1,500,000) مليون وخمسمائة ألف سهم.
قررت الجمعية العامة الغير العادية بتاريخ 1444/9/22هـ (الموافق 2023/4/13م) زيادة رأس مال الشركة من (15,000,000) خمسة عشر مليون ريال سعودي إلى (50,000,000) خمسين مليون ريال سعودي مقسم إلى (50,000,000) خمسين مليون سهم عادي مدفوعة القيمة بالكامل